Female hurdler

Does Testosterone Boost Athletic Performance in Female Athletes? 

Testosterone is one of the most talked about hormones in the human body – especially when it comes to masculinity and athletic performance. But what many people fail to realize is that despite testosterone being spoken about as a ‘male’ hormone, it is just as important for females. What is testosterone? Testosterone is a hormone

Woman weight lifter

BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids): What You Need to Know

There are thousands of different supplements available for your consumption – all of which promise the world (many of which, unfortunately, fail to deliver on that promise). One supplement that has become a mainstay in the realm of health and fitness are Branched Chain Amino Acids (or BCAAs for short) – but are they all

Kettlebell exercises

The 2020 Kettlebell Shortage Explained

I don’t know about you, but since this whole COVID-19 situation entered full swing, I have been trying desperately to get my hands on some gym equipment I can use at home. In fact, what I really want is some kettlebells. I mean, there is not piece of equipment more versatile than a kettlebell. It

Woman exercising with her dog

How to Get Back Into Exercise After Time Off

With COVID-19 restrictions slowly starting to ease, you are probably itching to get back into exercise – I mean, I know I am. However, I am here to tell you that you should probably take it little slower than you would like. In fact, you definitely should. See, when you start getting into exercise after

Woman stretching

How to Set Health Goals After COVID-19

We are almost there. By all accounts, things are finally on the up, and we should be able to get back into our normal routine over the coming months. Which means that you have a unique choice to make. You can choose to go back to the same old habits. The same way of eating.

Female child doing push ups

Now Is the Time to Bring Back the Presidential Fitness Test 

I am not sure about you, but over the last few years I have noticed a seriously sharp decline in the resiliency of our children. No longer are they able to tolerate stress, face adversity, and handle any sort of criticism. While I don’t doubt that this is the result of a combination of factors,

Intermittent Fasting and running

Ketogenic Diet and Running: What You Need to Know

If you have been around the health and fitness space over the last few years, then you would have heard about the ketogenic diet. You know that diet that helps with weight loss, metabolic disease, and cognitive function? Yeah, that one. But does it also improve running? What is the keto diet? The ketogenic diet

Woman running

Intermittent Fasting and Running

Intermittent fasting has quickly become one of the most popular dietary strategies of the decade. Over the last few years, it has evolved from a niche topic into something that everyone is doing. And with evidence it can boost health and help promote fat loss, why shouldn’t they? But is it a good fit for

Build resiliency

How to Build Resiliency During A Pandemic

We are living through one of the most serious situations in modern history. This whole COVID-19 thing has turned the world as we know it upside down. And we could not have been any more unprepared. On both an individual and societal level, we are in a state of complete and utter disarray – so

Virginia Davies

Message From Your CEO

Over the last decade the world of health and fitness has become increasingly difficult to navigate. There are internet trolls hiding around every corner, and dangerous misinformation and ‘bro science’ on every webpage. Trying to find an answer to any question can be so difficult that it is just easier to give up. I know

Female running

Are Runners Less Likely to Develop COVID-19?

In this weird time of COVID-19, I have heard some strange suggestions regarding how you can prevent infection. Things like drinking colloidal silver, eating more oranges, and bathing in vinegar all come to mind. But one that has seriously piqued my interest is the suggestion that those who participate in serious endurance exercise (AKA runners)

Obesity and COVID-19

Does Obesity Increase Your Risk of Coronavirus?

We are currently living in a pretty interesting time. Inundated with bad news stories on every channel, isolated from the outside world with no real social interaction, and completely unable to get the gym and train – it sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. But it’s not. Its real, and it’s happening